How Important Is It To Waterproof Your Property’s Roof?

Roof Waterproofing NY

It is never a good thing when water builds up on your rooftop. That will definitely cause serious damage to your roof and the day will soon come when you will need to replace it. It is strongly recommended to waterproof your roof to avoid such an inconvenience. 

If you think this is a simple task, you're in for a surprise. Due to global warming, the weather has been constantly changing. We've been experiencing violent storms like never seen before in the eastern coast of the US, especially in the New York area and surroundings. 

It has been reported that these violent storms have caused severe damages to homes and commercial properties roofs, collectively evaluated into the millions. These damages were mostly caused by severe water leaks, in homes with poorly or no waterproofed roofs. 

So, waterproofing your property’s roof is only the right thing to do. It will be a long-term investment that will save you the high repair cost in case of damage, and will definitely improve the property comfort level and increase its value.

When it rains, you have to be aware of roof water damage and remain cautious and prepared. You wouldn't want to look back and regret it afterwards. In addition, there is a lot that has to be done to prepare for the rainy season, to do it while it is already pouring. Working on your roof when it’s raining is not something you really don’t want to do, for the many obvious reasons!

The different Ways You Can Waterproof Your Property’s Roof

In order to waterproof your rooftop in time for the rainy season, we suggest following this method:

Gutter Heat Tape:

In order for the gutters to work as you would like them to, as much heat tape as possible will be required. Therefore, it would be wise to plan a visit to the nearby hardware shop. The longer the heat tape is not there, the worse it gets for your rooftop, which is something that you would not like to happen.

Remove any dead branches and leaves:

There will come a moment, maybe after Autumn, when your roof will be covered with a lot of leaves. Therefore, it would be wise to take action to eliminate them altogether by climbing up on your roof and cleaning away all of the debris. The leaves and branches must be removed as soon as possible, or the drain may become clogged. Yes, now is the time to grab the broom you haven't used in a while.

Keep in mind that the wind will simply blow all the leaves up to the rooftop pipes, which won't be good for the rooftop's future. It will only be a matter of time until you develop a leak once that occurs. You only need to concentrate on doing the task quickly; it won't take long to sweep up all the leaves in any case. Do it as early in the day as possible to give yourself more energy for the remainder of the day.

Tree Pruning Near the Roof:

We are all aware that when the trees grow too much, you would need to cut them. You realize it would be detrimental to the condition of your roofing once they come to the stage when they reach the roof. Of course, you'd want to do it as fast as possible, so it's best to employ tree-trimming experts so that you'll be satisfied with the job. Additionally, tree-trimming professionals would arrive with all the equipment required to do the operation immediately.

The skilled tree cutters would treat your trees as if they were their own. They are concerned with cutting it down to a size that won't eventually damage your roof. We are all aware that trees have the potential to reach a height that would be irritating to those who live nearby. If you do nothing, it can already be too late to prevent damage to all of the water pipes in your home and the neighbor's as well.

Changing damaged shingles:

It would be absurd to keep everything there while the shingles are damaged. It is your responsibility to make sure that those shingles are in good functioning order because they play a crucial role in the stability of your roofing. It won't make sense to just leave those things there when that occurs. Replace them as soon as possible with functional ones.

When you do replace the shingles, be sure to spend your money on high quality and durable ones so you won't have to buy another one for a long time. Additionally, you will save a lot of money as a result, giving you extra money to purchase other items from your wish list. It would be wonderful to shed some of that extra weight.

Cover seams with tape:

The seams will require all the protection they can get, and cover tape is unquestionably the best choice. You would have to go up there and complete the necessary tasks. To prevent damage to the roof, you must apply tape to every exposed area. You must periodically check to see if the tape is secured since, as we all know, the weather may be erratic.

Where To Seek Assistance With Roof Waterproofing In Brooklyn NY?

If reading this article raises any questions or concerns in regards to your property’s roof waterproofing level, please feel free to consult us for a roof inspection, we’ll be happy to assist you with all your questions and provide you with best advice.